for the Uniform Series: Sorry but I need your Uniform!
A brunette woman named Samantha Walters had snuck onto
an Air Force base to confront her two timing boyfriend. She snuck onto the base
early in the morning after she dyed her hair blond and put on a black wig after
she found out that he was seeing other women on base that had blond hair.
Samantha walked up to the building unnoticed by anyone, she needed to find a
way in and in the back of the office building was a door at the bottom of a
stair well. Samantha went down the steps to see if the door was unlocked and it
was. She entered and went inside down a corridor towards another pair of stairs
that lead to the offices inside. She cracked the door opened and saw only one
Air Force person inside a female 2nd Lieutenant coming towards the
door. The female Air Force officer didn’t see or notice that the door was
cracked open and a woman looking at her. Samantha went back down stairs to hide
and checked the other doors to see if they were unlocked. One was and it was a
storage room and the Air Force woman opened the door and walked down stairs
towards the storage room. The Air Force woman opened the door and Samantha panicked
as she knew if she got caught she would go to jail for a very long time. Samantha
looked around she found a wrench, rope and duct tape laying on top of a table
and she grabbed them just as the door was opening and hid behind some boxes.
The Air Force woman opened the door and turned on a
single light. She went towards another door, unlocked it and went inside going
towards some filing cabinets sitting on carpet. She unlocked them and started
to look through them looking for some files. The Air Force woman was completely
unaware that another woman was inside the storage room with her and was now
scoping her out. Samantha watched for a minute and decided that she could use
the Air Force woman’s uniform. They were the same height, weight, bust size,
hair color and very similar looks nobody would ever tell them apart if Samantha
would walk into the building wearing the Air Force woman’s uniform on. Samantha
didn’t have anything personal against this woman but Samantha was very desperate
and needed her uniform to make her way upstairs and blend in. Samantha decided
to act and snuck up behind the unsuspecting Air Force woman and with all of her
strength hit the Air Force woman with a solid hard blow to the back of the Air
Force woman’s head. Air Force 2nd Lieutenant Jessica Myers didn’t
even know what hit her from behind as her world fell into darkness as she crumpled
on the carpeted floor unconscious in front of the woman who had done this
unspeakable deed to her and soon would take her place by wearing her uniform
and lingerie underneath it after the woman had stripped her nude, tied her up
and gagged her.
Samantha set down the wrench and knelt down pulling off
the patient leather shinny dress shoes with a 3 inch heel on them. “Sorry but I
need your uniform!” Samantha said as she unbuttoned the buttons on the light
blue short sleeve blouse that wasn’t tucked in the skirt and then slid the
woman’s arms out; exposing a white satin / lace slip with a light blue satin
bra underneath it. Samantha unfastens the outer clasp on the dark blue C/T
skirt and then unzipped the zipper. She then pulled down the skirt and took it
off of the Air Force woman setting it aside. Samantha then pulled up the full
satin / lace white slip and then sitting the Air Force woman up. She pulled the
slip up and over the Air Force woman’s head taking it off and then setting it
aside. Samantha unfastens the hooks on the back of the light blue bra and then
slid it off setting it aside as well. Samantha let the Air Force woman upper
torso fall back onto the carpet bouncing the Air Force woman’s head off the
carpet floor. She then slid down the nude color silky smooth non control top
pantyhose very carefully, removing them and setting them aside. This exposed a
pair of navy blue satin string bikini panties which Samantha pulled down
removing them and taking a whiff before setting them aside. The Air Force woman
was now stripped completely nude and it was time to get her tied up and gagged.
Samantha rolled the unconscious Air Force woman over on
her stomach and then pulled the woman’s wrists behind her back. She wrapped
nylon rope around extremely tight cutting off the circulation to the hands.
Next Samantha took more rope and wrapped it around the elbows extremely tight
as well tying it off cutting off the circulation to the forearms. She rolled
the Air Force woman back over on her back taking more rope and tying the ankles
extremely tight and then moved up to the knees. Samantha took more nylon rope
and tied it above the knees and then below the knees extremely tight cutting
off the circulation. Samantha found a rag and stuffed it into the Air Force
woman’s mouth and then wrapped 5 good layers of duct tape around the Air Force
woman’s jaw and lower head, this secured the rag inside the Air Force woman’s
mouth. Samantha opened up one of the huge bottom drawers and put the Air Force
woman inside on her stomach. She then took more nylon rope and put the Air
Force woman into a hogtie. Samantha took a couple of blankets lying around and
put them over the unconscious Air Force woman. She closed the huge drawer and
locked it up and Samantha folded up the lingerie and uniform than put it inside
another empty drawer. She went up stairs and went towards the cheating S O B’s
office to confront him. When she walked in he didn’t seem to notice Samantha at
first but soon realized who she was. He tried to hide the pictures of the women
he had been sleeping with but Samantha saw them and noticed one in particular.
An attractive blond that was wearing a royal blue satin chemise gown, a blond
that she had knocked out, stripped nude, tied up and gagged. She was now hidden
inside a huge drawer down in the storage room that Samantha had the keys too.
“Don’t bother trying to hide the pictures you’re busted.” Samantha said with a
smirk on her face. He got up and went into a small office closet and Samantha
pulled out some poison from her purse and put some into the S OB’s coffee, stirring
it in and grabbed the picture of the blond woman tie-up down stairs putting it
inside her purse. The two argued a little more and Samantha left just as some
more people arrived at the office. No one seemed to notice her as she went back
down the stairs leading to the storage room. Samantha now knew that she would
need to get dressed into the Air Force woman’s uniform and lingerie and escape.
The cheating bastard drank the coffee with the poison
in it and within a couple of minutes collapsed on the floor. Some of the people
inside the office called for an ambulance but it would be a waste of time.
Samantha quickly got undressed and took off all off her clothes, stuffing them
inside a garbage bag along with her purse and put on the satin panties and bra.
She slipped on the silky smooth pantyhose and slipped on the satin slip.
Samantha quickly slid up the skirt tucking in the satin slip and zipped it up
and then fastens the outer clasp. She then slipped on the light blue blouse,
buttoned up the buttons. She smooths it out and then opened the drawer and
pulled back the blankets exposing the Air Force woman’s head. She removed the
hair clip and hair pins. Samantha quickly did up her hair and put the blankets
back over the unconscious Air Force woman, putting the garbage with her clothes
inside and closing the huge drawer then locking it. She brushed down her
uniform and grabbed the files that fell on the floor left the small file room
locking it up and taking the keys she had used and putting them inside her
skirt pocket. She finally locked the storage room door and went up stairs to
blend in. She noticed the commotion around an office and decided to avoid it
and search for the Air Force woman’s office. She found it and looked around she
saw that she was due to go on leave for a couple of weeks starting today. She
decided to go and see what the big commotion was and headed towards the SOB’s
office. She asks what happened and looked down at the SOB that now lay on the
floor blue in color. Nobody knew what happened to the SOB but the EMT’s said must
have been a sudden event because he was grabbing his chest. Samantha now the
Air Force woman she had jumped and took her uniform was now U S Air Force 2nd
Lieutenant Jessica Myers and she acted like she was in shock. Jessica
(Samantha) was handed the SOB’s coffee cup to get it out of the way and she
decided to go back to her office and dump the coffee out and wash the cup. Getting
ride of the poison inside and getting rid of any evidence that could lead the
authorities back to her. Acting like she was upset, Jessica (Samantha) said she
would go home and start her leave early. She was granted this and she needed to
put back the files she had first.
Jessica (Samantha) grabbed her dark blue jacket slipped
it on and buttoned up the four silver buttons. She then grabbed her purse and
dress cover and went down stairs to put back the files. In fact she went down
stairs to the file room to kill the bitch that slept around with her now ex.
Once she opened the door to the store room and then the file room. Samantha
unlocked the drawer and opened it. She pulls back the blankets that covered the
bitch and grabbed a length of rope. She wrapped this around the Air Force
woman’s neck choking her. Samantha pulled as hard as she could and then tied it
off, this would eventually kill the little bitch. Samantha grabbed the garbage
bag containing her purse and clothes and put back the files and then locked
everything back up and headed out the front door to the 2nd
Lieutenant’s car. She found it opened the door tossed in the garbage bag and
got in starting up the engine. She backed out and headed towards her old
apartment before the authorities came. She quickly packed all of her clothes
and left for the real Air Force woman’s place to start her new life. Samantha
(Jessica) drove up to the Air Force woman’s house. It was a two story ranch
style house with a two car garage attached. Inside was big and roomy with a
huge cellar and a large master bedroom with 3 large walk-in closets. She would
look around as she wore the dead woman’s lingerie and uniform as it was now hers.
By night time they had said the two timing SOB was poisoned and the authorities
were looking for a woman that was seen leaving his office and gave a description
of the woman. She was around 5 foot 7 inches tall, slim figure, with black hair,
wearing blue jeans and a grey shirt. It would be some time before the
authorities would locate her old apartment and she decided to unpack the car
and put her old clothes inside a storage room down in the cellar. She went back
upstairs and looked around the house some more. Samantha went through the Air
Force woman’s wardrobe and liked what she saw and then came across a safe
inside one of the large walk-in closet and she started to look for a
combination for it. She found it and opened the safe up and was amazed at what
she saw inside.
Passwords and numbers to an overseas account, keys to a
safety deposit box, a passport, jewelry, a hand gun and all the passwords to
her personnel computer and work computer. She found a cancelled check with the
woman’s signature and decided to practice it. She retrieves a large suit case
and loaded it into the trunk of the car. She would go to the base early in the
morning and get the little bitch’s body out of the large drawer and bury it in
the woods she knew so well where she grew up. She undressed and took the
picture of the blond bitch and the black wig and put it inside the safe. After
a hot shower she went through the woman’s wardrobe and tried on some of the
clothes and the fit was perfect. Inside the 3 large walk-in closets were satin chemise
gowns, satin dresses, satin blouses, skirts, satin and nylon slips, satin night
gowns, chemise nightie, shoes, military uniforms, satin bras, satin panties,
satin garter belts, silky smooth pantyhose and thigh high nylons. Everything a
young woman would want in her wardrobe. This Air Force woman had it all nice
clothes, money, a nice house and a nice car to drive around in. Samantha had
none of this, just cheap nylon tricot III lingerie to wear. This more than ever
gave her the reason to justify her killing the little bitch and taking her
place for good.
Samantha went to bed and woke up early in the morning,
taking a shower and getting dressed in uniform. Underneath she wore a white
satin bra, satin string panties, garter belt and nude color thigh high nylons.
She grabbed the purse and dress cover then headed out to the garage. She opened
the door and got in, started the engine and opened the garage door. She backed
out and closed the garage door. Samantha turned around and headed towards the
base to retrieves the bitch’s body and then leaves for the burial site 6 hours
away. In 45 minutes she arrived at the base with no problems and got on and
headed towards the office building. She pulled in by the stair well back door
and looked around to see if anyone was watching. She shut off the engine and
popped open the trunk and went down to open the door. She found it still open
and went to retrieve the large suit case. She dragged the suit case to the
storage room door and opened it up. She went in and closed the door and then
opened the file room door bring in the suit case. She locked the doors behind
her as she went and then opened the large drawer. Pulling it open and pulling
back the blankets, she saw the Air Force woman’s body now all blue from being
strangled to death. Samantha opened the large suit case and put the woman’s
body inside. She put the blankets back were she got them from and closed the
suit case dragging it out to the car. It was still dark out and she pulled the
suit case up the stairs and opened the trunk. She put the suit case in and then
closed the trunk. She went back into the office building through the front door
and went to her office. She acted like she needed to get the work done from
yesterday and down stairs. She went and got some files and worked for an hour
before putting them away and locking up. Samantha left with the real Air Force
woman’s body inside the trunk heading for the burial spot she picked out in her
mind. Once she buried the body and the authorities were looking for a strange
woman she went on enjoying the life that she now had. In a few years she was
promoted to captain and then a major in the Air Force. She later found out that
the woman that she killed and assumed her identity for good had in fact
inherited a large amount of money and now she was set for life. Just think Samantha
only needed to borrow the Air Force woman’s uniform for awhile.
The End
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