Monday, June 10, 2024

US14 U S Army Officer gets Impersonated by a look a like


US14 U S Army Officer gets Impersonated by a look a like

A blonde U S army 1st Lieutenant Kimberly Davis sat at her table waiting for a woman to sell some secret information for a little extra cash. She was getting nervous that the woman named Annissa hadn’t shown up yet and was late. She checked her watch and got even more nervous. Kimberly had to get back to the base in an hour and a half. She gets up and took a quick look outside to see if Annissa was coming to the back door. She went back to the table and sat down. Little did she know that this secret meeting wouldn’t end well for her?

Unknown to Kimberly that Annissa was watching and checking things out. When she saw the Army Officer went to the back door to look out, it was her signal that all was safe to proceed to the back door. Annissa kept an eye out to make sure nobody was watching and seeing her go up to the Army Officer’s house.

Annissa cautiously went to the back door and knocked on the door. Kimberly went to the door and let Annissa in. She was upset that Annissa was late. Annissa was careful not to touch the door handle too much as she went in. “You’re late I told you 12 noon it’s now 12:30.” Kimberly said with a nasty tone in her voice. “I’m a professional and had make sure everything was clear. I’m the one who’s doing you a favor.’ Annissa replied with a sarcastic tone of her own. 

The 2 women were in contrast with each other in what they wore. Kimberly was blonde with a smart sharp military uniform and Annissa a black lace top with a black camisole underneath it with a black skirt to match wore a black wig to hide her real hair color. Kimberly wore black nylon stockings with a black satin bra and white satin bikini panties underneath her uniform along with shinny patient leather dress shoes with a 2 inch heel on them.

While Annissa wore no bra and a black thong with shoes that had 3 inch heels on her feet. Because of this Kimberly thought she was above and better than Annissa and didn’t treat with much respect or notice. Kimberly’s attitude was really present with disrespect towards Annissa thinking her farts didn’t stink while Annissa had a job to do and was more professional attitude about it.

“Do you have the information?” Annissa asked. “Do you have the money?” Kimberly questioned Annissa like she was inferior to her as she sat down at her table. “Nobody knows that we’re meeting at my house, the base thinks I had something to do in town.” Kimberly said. “Thanks for that, it’s going to make everything much easier to do our transaction. I had to make sure everything was clear and that no one saw me coming in.” Annissa replied. “Everything is good; all my neighbors are at work and can’t see anything inside.” Kimberly responded. “Well then let’s get to it.” Annissa said as she reached inside her brown bag. Kimberly opened her brief case and looked for the information to give to Annissa, unnoticed by Kimberly that Annissa had other stuff inside her brown bag for later use. 

Annissa pulls out the money in a brown envelope and shows it to Kimberly. Kimberly was now wide eyed and happy; she pulls out the secret information she was going to give Annissa. What Kimberly didn’t notice that she and Annissa were very similar in height, weight and facial features? She was engrossed in the transaction at hand to notice this but Annissa didn’t ignore this at all but kept tabs on how Kimberly moved and talked.

Annissa watches Kimberly pull out a blue unmarked folder with a smile on her face. Annissa was professional and wanted to check the information first. “Let me see and check the information first before you get paid.” Annissa demanded. “The information is all here and correct.” Kimberly replied with a snooty attitude as she saw the money envelope in Annissa’s hands.

 “I told you that all the information is there that you requested.” Kimberly said waiting for her money. “Well it looks like that it is and all in order. Here’s your payment in full like we agreed to.” Annissa said with a smile handing Kimberly her money. Kimberly started to look and count the money she received as Annissa set down the blue folder and reached into her brown bag and retrieved a white satin scarf. “I’m for sure that all the money is all there.” Annissa said with a smile. As she was distracted with counting her money and putting it into her brief case Kimberly didn’t notice that Annissa slowly walked behind her hiding the white satin scarf behind her back getting ready to pounce on Kimberly. Soon Annissa wouldn’t have to put up with this stuck up witch that had a big rude mouth on her.

“Is everything in order?” Annissa ask Kimberly as she closed her brief case. “Yes everything is in order.” Kimberly replies as she looks at Annissa. “Good now I need one more thing from you.” Annissa says with a smile. “One more thing, what is that?” Kimberly asks confused. “I need to barrow your uniform so I can get on the base.” Annissa replies with a smirk on her face. “My uniform there’s no way.” Kimberly replied. “I need your uniform to impersonate you to get the other information that I need.” Annissa replied.

“NO, we had a deal and you got what you wanted. Now you want my uniform to get on the base to get more. That’s a big no and you’re not getting my uniform.” Kimberly smartly remarked as she got ready to leave. “To bad you feel that way but I not taking that for an answer. I’m taking your uniform and wearing it.” Said Annissa as she pounced on Kimberly as she stood up to leave putting the chloroform soaked scarf on Kimberley’s mouth and nose as the struggle for dominance and the uniform Kimberly wore and Annissa wanted commenced.

“MMMMPPPPHHHH” came from Kimberly as she struggled to get the scarf of her face. “I told you that I’m taking your uniform. Don’t fight it, and just breathe in the chloroform.” Annissa said as she held the scarf very tight on Kimberly’s face and holding the arms at the side. Annissa was a lot stronger than Kimberly thought and it showed as Kimberly wasn’t able to break free as Annissa continued to dominate the struggle.

“MMMMMPPPPPHHHHH” as the chloroform started to take effect on Kimberly. She was getting weaker as her body was over powered by the chloroform. Within a few minutes Kimberly was going down to the floor as Annissa had a smile on her face. Kimberly knees buckled and Annissa followed Kimberly down holding the scarf on Kimberly’s face tightly for a few seconds more making sure Kimberly was out. “There you go out like a light and sleeping like a baby. Can’t beat the power of chloroform sweetie.” with laughter in her voice.

Annissa stood up, straddling Kimberly “That was easier than I thought. Not as strong, tough and superior as you thought you were.” said Annissa as she looked down at the stupid and naïve Army Officer. “Who’s the dominant one and who’s the inferior one now?” said Annissa as she bent down and picked up the dress cover from the floor stepping over Kimberly putting it on top of the brief case.

 “I guess that I’m getting that uniform after all.” Annissa said with a smile on her face looking down at the unconscious Army Officer. “You thought you were hot as hell in that uniform and you think your farts don’t stink with that snooty attitude. You’ll soon find out what I look like in your uniform and lingerie.” Annissa said with laughter in her voice.

“You shouldn’t have let your guard down so easily stuck up, now you know to keep your guard up at all times especially around another woman bimbo.” Annissa laughed some more after the statement.

“Alright now it’s time for the fun part stripping that uniform off of you. It should fit me just fine. You’re right I don’t have a lot of time to get back to the base but then you can’t rush perfection so I’ll be a little late then getting back.” Annissa said as she knelt down beside Kimberly rolling her over on her back and started unbutton the 4 gold buttons on the dark green jacket.

“Thank you very much Officer Davis, I’ll be Officer Davis today.” as Annissa looking at the name tag before removing the jacket. Now Annissa started to remove the neck tab and unbutton the light green blouse.

Annissa rolled Kimberly on her belly and started to unfasten the skirt fastener and unzipped the zipper. Annissa pulled down the dark green skirt over Kimberly’s buttocks and down her legs. She looked at the skirt and smiled, putting the skirt with the jacket. Annissa removes the shinny patient leather dress shoes with a 2 inch heels on them setting them a side.

Annissa pulled the light green blouse off putting it with the rest of the uniform. She unfastens the hooks on the satin black bra and rolls Kimberly on her back.

Annissa removes the black satin bra and moved down to the black silky smooth stockings removing each one carefully. Looking at the white satin bikini panties, “Sorry honey but if I’m going to be you, I’ll need these too as well.” Annissa said as she removed the panties from Kimberly’s hips off her crotch and down over her legs.

Annissa took a whiff and smiled “Not a bad scent at all soon I’ll be wearing these as well.” as Annissa tossed the panties on the uniform pile. Now completely stripped nude it was time to get the naïve Army Officer Kimberly Davis secured and gagged.

Annissa stood and got her brown bag pulling out thick plastic cable ties, white duck tape and a knotted scarf to gag the unconscious naïve Army Officer. She knelt down beside Kimberly and rolled her on her stomach. “Time to get you tied up, secured and gagged so I can get dressed in your uniform and lingerie.” As she reached for Kimberly’s left arm.

Annissa pulled Kimberly’s arms behind her back and slipped the cuff on the left wrist and then the right wrist. She tightens the plastic ties snug and moved to the ankles. She does the same with Kimberly’s ankles, the left one first and then the right ankle. At this time Kimberly was coming too wondering what happened.

“What happen, what’s going on?” Kimberly asks confused as she rolls on her left side seeing Annissa knelt down beside her. “Remember me? I told you that I need your uniform, so I took it.” Annissa said picking up the uniform skirt and blouse and standing up folding them so the uniform items wouldn’t get wrinkled.

“You’re crazy, untie me now and give me back my uniform.” Kimberly said testing the snug plastic cable ties. “I don’t think so sweetie, it’s time to get you gagged so you’ll be nice and quiet. Don’t wanting you notifying anyone for help by screaming do we.” Annissa said as she reached up under her black skirt and removed her black thong.

“NO let me go, you can’t wear my uniform.” screamed Kimberly as she rolled and tried to free herself from the tight bondage. Annissa knelt down beside Kimberly waded up her black thong. “Open wide sweetie time for a nice taste in your mouth cavity.” said Annissa as she pinched Kimberly’s nose. “Come on open up so I can get you gagged.” Annissa said as she waited for the right moment when Kimberly took a breath. Kimberly was wiggling around trying to free her pinched nose.

Kimberly lungs started to burn, not only from the chloroform but from holding her breath. Finally she couldn’t hold her breath much longer and screamed out loud “NNNNOOOO” as Annissa stuffed her thong into Kimberly’s mouth. “MMMMPPPPHHHH” as Annissa held the thong in place with her hand. Retrieved the knotted scarf as a cleave gag and inserted it into Kimberly’s mouth. “MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” screamed Kimberly as the cleave gag was secured behind her head.

“One more thing to do and make sure my taste thong doesn’t come out of that big mouth of yours.” Annissa said ripping off 5 pieces of sticky white duct tape. “MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” screamed Kimberly as to make as much noise as possible as the first piece of duct tape was applied. “MMMMPPPPHHHH” came from Kimberly as the second piece was applied. “MMMMPPPPHHHH” less loud than the previously scream as the last 3 pieces of duct tape was applied to Kimberly’s mouth silencing her to a very low tone that no one would hear. “MMMMPPPPHHHH” as Kimberly was rolling around trying to free herself but to no avail.

“There that should keep that big loud mouth of your quiet” said Annissa as she picked up the blouse and skirt and then stood up to get ready. “MMMMPPPPHHHH” came from Kimberly as she watched Annissa get up with the first two uniform items. Looking down at the defeated and dominated Army Officer “Oh by the way I’m taking my money with me as well.” Annissa said with a smile on her face and then turned to put the uniform blouse and skirt on the table.

“MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” screamed Kimberly through her gag as best she could watching the imposter as she starts to get ready.

“I told you that I wanted your uniform and I got it. There’s nothing you can do about it. Selling your countries secrets for money, what a disgrace you are. I don’t think you’ll go and tell the authorities about it. It ain’t like you’re going anywhere any time soon.” Annissa said looking down at her defeated opponent as she started to unbuttoned the four buttons on her see threw blouse.

“MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” came from Kimberly in response. “I think Aruba is nice this time of the year or perhaps Mexico. What do you think with all that money I’m going to get selling the information that I’m going to obtain thanks to you.” said Annissa as she finished unbuttoned her blouse.

“MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” screamed Kimberly as she watched the imposter unzipped her skirt and start to pull it down. “I can’t hear or understand what you’re saying through that gag of yours so just be quiet and just enjoy the show.” Annissa said as she pulled down her skirt and taking it off, “Here’s my skirt just for you my tied up sweetie.” said Annissa as she tossed her discarded skirt by Kimberly’s head.

“MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” screamed as loud as she could threw a thick gag. “I don’t know why you’re screaming no one can hear you outside the house anyways. I don’t think I’ll have a problem of your uniform and lingerie fitting me as we’re the same size if you haven’t noticed. Same height, weight, bust size, shoe size and panty size. You were too interested in making some quick cash and didn’t notice anything but I did and decided to act and take advantage of the situation.” Annissa said as she removed her black blouse and then the black nylon camisole.

“MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” came from Kimberly as saw the 2 discarded clothing items land near her head. She watched as Annissa scooped down and pick up the black satin bra. “Ah you’re nice satin black bra good thing we’re the same bust size.” Replied Annissa as she slipped on the bra and fastens the hooks behind.

“MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” screamed Kimberly as she watched the imposter adjust the straps for a better more comfortable fit. “Now for the most important thing I feel is the white satin bikini panties that you put just this morning. MMMM nice I really do hope they feel just as nice on my butt as they look.” Annissa said with a smile and pure enjoyment as she stepped into the panties and pulled them up into place looking down at her defeated opponent. “Very nice feels really comfortable on my butt and crotch, thanks a million for wearing such a great pair of panties today. My scent will be in the crotch area soon enough making them mine.” Kimberly freaked out rolled around and screamed through her gag “MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” as she watched for her first time another woman putting on and wearing her panties.

Looking down and snickering at her defeated opponent Annissa decided to explain whose Kimberly’s worst enemy is “What’s the matter you never had another woman wear your panties before? Come on now you’re acting very surprised like this will never happen to me and now you know you can never be too sure of that. I guess you don’t think this was never going to happen to you the way you look in your uniform being very sexy and attractive; a woman’s worse enemy is another woman. So you didn’t think that another woman would ever overpower you, knock you out, strip you nude, and steal your uniform, lingerie and your Identity. I saw an opportunity and took advantage of the situation, so don’t blame me blame your stupid naïve self for not noticing that another woman was hell bent wanting and taking what you were wearing. I guess this had to happen to you so you can see this can happen, will and did happen as another woman can be more dominant than you. besides if you look at the current situation, you treated me like I was inferior to you and looked at what happened now I’m the dominant one and you’re the inferior one between us. Your laying here all tied up and gagged while I’m enjoying myself getting dressed and ready to become you.” Annissa explained as she scooped down and picked up the two silky smooth thigh high stockings.

“MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” replied Kimberly in discuss looking at her imposter who was clearly enjoying every moment of the redressing process of impersonating her. “By the way thank you so much so much of wearing such silky smooth thigh high stockings today as these should fit me just perfect and feel really great on my legs.” Annissa explains as she rolled up the right thigh high and slipping it on.

 “MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” Kimberly angrily responded as she watched Annissa pull the silky smooth thigh high up her leg smoothing it out as she went. Pleased Annissa picked up the next thigh high, rolled it up and slipped it on.

“You know that I’ll be enjoying myself as you realize the stupid mistake you made today. I was planning this since our first contact and you never thought about what could happen to yourself if I had a different plan. So naïve you are that you concentrated on getting some quick cash instead of protecting yourself.” Annissa was rubbing it in as she pulled the thigh high up smoothing it out as she went.

 “MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” angrily came from Kimberly as she realized what Annissa was saying was true. Annissa smirked as she watched Kimberly’s reaction. She then grabbed the light green blouse.

“I think that your blouse will fit me everything else has. You poor girl laying there all tied up and watching a good show, why are you so upset about the predicament you’re in. Like I said earlier you should’ve seen this coming and you didn’t and thank you for that.” Annissa gloated as she slips on the blouse and started to button up the buttons.

“MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” angrily came from Kimberly as Annissa kept rubbing it in about how she was fooled into a false sense of security and was so easily overpowered, stripped nude and her uniform stolen by another woman. “MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” angrily came from Kimberly as Annissa finished button up the blouse and reached for the dark green skirt.

“Now, now my dear the show is almost done and soon the rest will be done in front of the mirror. I must admit that the skirt does feel nice on my legs.” Annissa says as she steps into the skirt and pulls it up tucking in the blouse and then fastens the fastener. She zips up the zipper and feels satisfied that the uniform items fit her body so well.

  “MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” angrily came from Kimberly as the imposter is almost done getting dressed in her uniform she proudly wore only 25 minutes ago. She watches Annissa grab the dark green jacket with her name tag and ribbons on it.

“A few more things and I’ll be done, just a few more buttons to go. Where are those nice dress shoes ah here they are. Just what I thought a perfect fit, nice and comfortable. Well how do I look so far sweetie?” asks Annissa as she rubs it into Kimberly.

“MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” angrily came from Kimberly as she was ask such an in furious question.

“A bit angry are we? I need to move you to the spare bedroom so I can finish my transformation sweetie.”  Stated Annissa as she went to her brown bag and took out 4 more heavy plastic cable ties. She then went over to Kimberly, knelt down and put her hands underneath Kimberly’s arm pits, picking her up and dragging Kimberly into the spare bedroom.

Kimberly screamed through her gag angrily “MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” as she was dragged into the spare bedroom. Kimberly knew this wasn’t going to be good as the imposter could go about putting the finishing touches on her appearance without being distracted and impersonating her on the base.

Once inside the spare bedroom Annissa lay Kimberly down on her stomach, zip tied her elbows together and then her knees together as well. “MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” came from Kimberly as the two plastic cable ties where applied. Annissa smiled as she pulled up Kimberly’s feet towards her butt and used the last two plastic cable ties to put Kimberly into a hogtie.

“There now all nice and comfy in a nice hogtie. I guess you won’t be troubling me now. I’ll stop in and say good bye before I go.” Gloated Annissa as she left and closed the door. Kimberly screamed “MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” as she watched the imposter leave as she knew that she would be putting on the finishing touches on her appearance.

Knowing that Kimberly was nice and secure, Annissa went to the kitchen and retrieved her brown bag, the neck tab, the dress cover, the blue folder and the brief case. “Time to put on the finishing touches on.” said Annissa with a smile heading towards the bathroom.

Annissa did a sound check on the naïve Army Officer and she didn’t hear anything through the door even though she knew she was trying her best to get free and make as much noise as possible.

Satisfied she went into the bathroom sat everything down and reached into her brown bag. Annissa pulled out some makeup and lipstick. She applied a conservative amount of makeup and lipstick to her face. She put these back into her brown bag.

Annissa smiled as she reached up and pulled of the black wig she was wearing along with the calf high stocking off her head revealing a made up blond hair underneath. This matched the unlucky naïve Army Officer’s hair to a T.

With this done she grabbed the neck tab and put it on making sure it was a strait and fit perfectly. Next came the head cover, Annissa picked the dress cover up and put this on squarely on her head making sure it was right. She saluted herself in the mirror “Army 1st Lieutenant Kimberly Davis reporting as ordered MAAM.” Satisfied with her appearance Annissa smiled then grabbed the brown bag, blue folder and the brief case and went to the spare bedroom.

Annissa opened the door seeing Kimberly struggling against her bondage and trying to make as much noise as possible through her gag. “You might as well quit, you’re not getting free. Besides I’m ready to impersonate you on the base and get the information that I need.” Annissa said as she turned on the bedroom light.

“MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” angrily came from Kimberly as she looked up and saw the imposter standing there with a smile on her face. Kimberly realized that this woman would pass for her as she looked just like her. She now knew that she was lured into a false sense of security letting her guard down when she was counting the money and being distracted. The imposter had this all planed from their first meeting and did her job very well and Kimberly didn’t.

“So how do I look sweetie? Just like you to a T. Too bad you weren’t more alert and more aware of what I was doing. I’ll be able to impersonate you and there’s nothing you can do about it. A black bag over there, I can use it to put my stuff inside of it. You don’t mind if I use this do you sweetie? Save your strength you’re going to need it as you’ll be here for a few days or even more. Well I have to go back to the base now. Thanks for your uniform and identity sweetie, CHOW!” Annissa said gloating and rubbing it in and blowing Kimberly a kiss good bye before shutting the light off and closing the door.

As she closed the door Annissa could hear the naïve bound and gagged woman scream “MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH” and roll around as she left. Kimberly was now left to her own demise as the imposter went to the kitchen to get her discarded clothes.

Annissa went into the kitchen picked up her clothes setting them on the table. She opened the black bag and put in the blue folder, the brown bag, her shoes, skirt, blouse and camisole. She looked around to make sure she got everything and saw Kimberly’s purse there on the counter and grabbed it along with keys on the key ring. She had everything she needed and it was time to go back to the base. Annissa wiped down the door handles closed the blinds on the back door and locked it. She proceeded out the front door locking it when she left. Annissa looked back at the house and smiled before unlocking the car door and getting in. She started the up and left for the base to do the other part of the job she needed to do as U S Army 1st Lieutenant Kimberly Davis.

The End


Sunday, June 12, 2022

(US13) Shouldn’t have followed her

 (US13) Shouldn’t have followed her


In her current situation U S Navy Lieutenant Susan Smith had been tied up nude extremely tight in a very strict hogtie, thoroughly gagged and a leather bondage hood put on her head to muffle any sound she made for the past 3 days. A mistake that she wished she hadn’t made by following a woman that was able to get on base by just looking like the Lieutenant. Susan had tried everything to get loose, but the woman knew her rope work very well.

It started more than a week ago U S Navy Lieutenant Susan Smith was getting ready to receive a very important Top Secret package from a courier that hadn’t arrived yet. She was wondering why it haven’t arrived so Susan called the courier to find out what happen to the package. The courier explains that she had handed it off to her over an hour ago at the Base Exchange and it was on the way to Naval Intelligence Office.


Susan was beside herself as she said to the courier that she wasn’t there yet because she hadn’t left her office. Then who did I give the package too? Ask the courier. I don’t know but we’ll have to keep this hush, hush until I find out, so no more communication until then. The courier agreed and hung up. Susan decided to do some research and stake out the gate and the exchange to see if she could see who this mystery woman was.


Susan would take leave and wouldn’t anybody know where she was going, that meant turning off her cell phone and removing the sim card to avoid being tracked. She would get the package back one way or another.


Stacie Snow was just walking past the gate and wondered if she could sneak in pass security. It worked out with no problems and she walked into the base and went to the exchange. She was walking and not driving so security was a little bit relaxed. Stacie was checking out the place to what it was about. A few people said Hi Susan. Stacie couldn’t understand that people were calling a different name, but it was a mistaken identity situation and no one knew her. She just figured that she must look like this Susan.


Stacie met this woman who must have thought that she was this Susan. Hi Susan, I’m Pam and here’s the package. Have a nice day. Unknown to the courier didn’t realize that the woman she gave the package to wasn’t Susan but someone else. Stacie didn’t even have a chance to respond before the woman left. Stacie took the package and went home.


Stacie wondered looking at the mysterious package what she had gotten herself into with receiving this package. Susan was now on leave and decided to stake out the base gate and the exchange. She watched the vehicles come in and nothing sitting her car wearing her khaki Cotton and Twill uniform. It consisted of a short sleeve blouse, above the knee strait length skirt, matching belt, brass belt buckle and 2 ½ inch black patent leather heels. Susan wore underneath a khaki satin slip, matching satin khaki bra and panties with nude color pantyhose. She saw a group of people walking in and the last person coming in was a woman that caught her eye.

From a distance the woman could’ve been mistaken for her with no problem. The woman was headed to the Base Exchange and Susan decided to follow her. Susan parked and watched the woman get something to eat, check things out and left the Exchange heading out the base gate. Who is this mystery woman and what was her intent being on the base?


Stacie walked to her car and got in. She started it up and headed home, Susan followed her at a distance at least 3 cars back. Stacie had a feeling that she was being followed but wasn’t sure who. Stacie decided to make a few turns taking the long way home. After awhile she noticed a red sports car following her at a distance.


Stacie wondered if this person wanted the package that she mistakenly received two days ago. Stacie turned down a ¼ mile long driveway to a rundown looking house. Susan waited for a minute and followed her down. Susan parked her car around the corner out of view of the woman getting out the blue car. Stacie knew and could see a red sports car parked around the corner through the trees.


Stacie went into the house as the person was watching. Susan watched the mystery woman go inside and when the door closed Susan decided get out of her car and go inside. She grabbed her purse that had a 40 cal hand gun inside along with her garrison cover and started to creep towards the house. Stacie once inside peeked outside and saw a military woman in a naval uniform slowly making her way towards the house. Stacie got ready putting heavy objects throughout the house, if needed to defend herself against this possible threat.


Susan got to the front of the house but moved towards the back. The door was unlocked and Susan decided to go inside with her gun drawn. Susan knew if she was caught by the authorities she would be in deep trouble. This is why she decided that this would be off the record recovery. Susan quietly and slowly opened the back door and went in. Susan could hear someone in the back of the house in a room to the right.


Stacie heard the door open and knew where the intruder was by the sound of the floor boards, she got ready. Susan came into the spare bedroom gun drawn and told the mysterious woman freeze, hands up. Stacie froze and did as she was told. What do you want from me? Ask Stacie. Where’s the package you got a few days ago? Ask the navy woman. Its right over there, some woman gave it to me and called me Susan. I don’t know any Susan or why I got this package by mistake. So get it and leave my home. Stacie said to the navy woman.


I sure will, don’t move and I’ll be on my way. Susan replied to the woman who watched Susan’s every move. When Susan got to the package she was so distracted by her quick success and didn’t notice the woman moving behind her. Stacie grabbed one of the heavy objects she place around the house. Yes I got it back said the navy woman. With a very quick movement Stacie cranked back her right arm and with as much force as possible hit the navy woman on the back of her head making a loud thump.

Susan let out a female grunt as she was hit and all went black. She now lay at the woman’s feet out cold in a heap. Stacie smiling at her success scooped down taking the gun and the black purse from her defeated opponent. Thank you hon but I’ll be taking these. Now to figure out whom you are, but first things first time to get you stripped nude and tied up my dear. With that Stacie grabbed the navy woman’s purse, setting it on the dresser.

Stacie quickly got undress removing her green halter top, jean skirt and tennis shoes wearing no bra and only left her white nylon tricot panties on her body. I always wanted to do this to another woman. Stacie said as she looked down at the unconscious navy woman.

Stacie looked down with a smile knowing she was going to enjoy what was coming next. With her nipples hard as diamonds Stacie scooped down and started to strip the unconscious navy woman.


She first removed the black patent leather dress shoes with a 2 ½ inch heel on them and set them aside. Next Stacie unbuckles the khaki belt and slides it off setting it aside. She unfastens the fastener and unzips the zipper on the skirt and pulls the skirt down and off the unconscious navy woman.

Stacie was smiling as she set the skirt aside and started to unbutton the blouse. She pulled and sat up the unconscious navy woman then removed the blouse setting it aside. Stacie pulled up the satin slip and removed it, she unfasten the hooks on the satin bra sliding it off of the unconscious navy woman.


She put these aside and laid down the unconscious navy woman, next came the nude color pantyhose. Stacie pulls these down the legs and slipped them off setting them aside. Stacie smiling even more started to pull down the matching satin panties as she revealed the unconscious navy woman pubic region and finally the woman hood of the unconscious navy woman.

 Stacie set these aside and rolled the unconscious navy woman on her stomach grabbed the woman’s wrists and put them in the small of the back. She grabbed some she had hidden; Time to tie you up honey said Stacie as she tied the wrists extremely tight of the unconscious navy woman. Stacie tied the elbows extremely tight as well.


Stacie rolled the unconscious navy woman on her back taking more rope and tying the ankles extremely tight and more rope tying the knees extremely tight. Stacie needed to secure the arms to the torso. She wrapped more rope just above the wrists and around the torso just above the hips pulling the rope tight as possible and tying it off. Satisfied Stacie stood up and got the gag ready to silence the unconscious navy woman.

The unconscious navy woman started come to; what happen, what why am I tied up? Hey where are my uniform and my undergarments? Stacie came over smiling and standing over her defeated opponent; Ah, so we are awake. Never mind your uniform and undergarments they are mine now. The real question is what inside that package and who are you really?


Let me go you psycho bitch, you’ll go to jail for kidnapping me! said the tied up navy woman as she struggled against her bondage. No I don’t think so since you broke into my house and threaten me with a gun. Instead I’ll interrogate you for information. Stacie said with a smile as she grabbed a pair of medical scissors. You’re going to tell me everything you know or I’m going to cut off your nipples! Stacie told the tied up navy woman as she rolled her over on her back and straddled her.


I ain’t telling you anything psycho. The tied up navy woman replied in defiance. Oh really we’ll see how much you’ll take, time to start cutting. Stacie said as she grabbed the left breast nipple pulling it up. All it took was the metal touching the nipple area and the tied up navy woman scream NNNNOOOO and started to talk. Good now where’s your passwords and pin numbers located at? Stacie asks with a huge grin on her face. Inside my purse in a hidden compartment in the middle of my purse: the tied up navy woman said as Stacie asks her next question. Does anyone know that you’re here? No, no one knows I’m here: I left my cell phone at home turned off and I removed the sim card so I couldn’t be traced. The tied up navy woman said as she tried to loosen the ropes.


Excellent, how long are you expected to be off before you’re missed on the base? Ask Stacie. Three weeks, I’m on vacation for three weeks. The tied up navy woman said in discuss. Excellent, then I shouldn’t have any problems impersonating you then. I don’t think you have a choice or able to stop me. Remember you followed me here to cause me harm. One last question hon, who is this Pam and how do you get a hold of her?


Pam is my inside person in the DOD and I have a number to call her. I’m supposed to get a hold of her when I retrieve the package. The number is on the bottom of my password list. The tied up navy woman replied in defeat. Great, thanks for the information hon, but it’s time to get you gagged and more secure. Stacie said as she unstraddled the tied up navy woman taking the medical scissors with her. NNNNOOOO, you can’t do this to me! Screamed the tied up navy woman as Stacie got more rope and everything she needed for the gag.


 Of course I will nobody knows that you’re here you’ll won’t be missed for three weeks. You have told me everything I needed to know and I have time to learn more about you and practice your signature. Stacie said as she sat down the items she gathered a ball gag, white duct tape, white foam tape and as a mouth stuffer her white nylon tricot hipster panties.


What the hell are you doing? Ask the tied up navy woman as she watched her captor rub her vaginal area making the crotch area wet. You’ll found out soon enough Stacie said as she sat down the object she was going to use and then slid off her vaginal juice soaked panties wading them up with the crotch on the outside.


NNNNNNOOOOOOO, screamed the tied up navy woman moving her head side to side as Stacie sat on top of the tied up navy woman said as she desperately tried to move but with no avail. Open wide hon and have a taste. Stacie said smiling as the tied up navy woman refused to open her mouth. Stacie pinched the tied up navy woman’s nose. You’ll have to take a breath sometime honey. NNNNNOOOOO screamed the tied up navy woman as Stacie jammed in the panties making sure the crotch was on the tongue and all the way in, she quickly grabbed the ball gag and inserted it into the mouth. Stacie fastens the belt to the ball gag holding the panties inside.

MMMMPPPPPHHHH came from the tied up woman as Stacie grabbed the white duct tape. The tied up navy woman screamed MMMMPPPPPHHHH through her gag as Stacie tore off five strips of white duct tape. Now, now honey don’t fight it, it’s too late for that. Stacie said as she applied the first piece of white duct tape over the ball gagged mouth. MMMMPPPPPHHHH came from the tied up navy woman as Stacie applied the rest of the white duct tape.

Stacie smoothed out the white duct tape for a better seal on the mouth. MMMMPPPPPHHHH came from the tied-up navy woman as Stacie grabbed the micro foam tape and started to wrap it around the lower head of the tied-up navy woman. MMMMPPPPPHHHH was the response as the micro foam tape was being wrapped around her head.

Four good wraps around that gag should muffle any sound that you’ll make. Stacie said as she got finished and stood up nude, smiling and knowing what she had to do next as she grabbed more rope. MMMMPPPPPHHHH came from the tied up navy woman as Stacie grabbed more rope. Stacie stood over the defeated and dominated military woman smiling and gloating of what she had done, knowing soon the defeated and dominated military woman would watch Stacie get dressed in her under garments and uniform.


Stacie uncoiled a length of rope and got it ready to wrap the rope around the chest.  MMMMPPPPPHHHH as the rope was being applied to the chest being wrapped around the chest above and below the breasts, around the shoulders, the upper arms pulling each wrap tight then tied off in the back. MMMMPPPPPHHHH scream the tied up navy woman as Stacie finished.


Stacie grabbed another piece of rope uncoiled the rope and wrapped it around the mid torso.  MMMMPPPPPHHHH screamed the tied up navy woman as Stacie finished and tied off the rope. She took even more rope and tied up the legs even more. Two more on the upper thighs and two on the calves MMMMPPPPPHHHH screamed the tied up navy woman as Stacie finished and stood up. Well that outta hold you and keep you quiet while I get ready Stacie said as she got ready to take a quick shower.


As Stacie walked away satisfied with her rope work MMMMPPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPPHHHH came from the woman who was securely tied up and thoroughly gagged. She screamed as loud as she could only to be ignored by the victorious woman who went into the bathroom to get ready.


Stacie grabbed the navy woman’s purse and went through it. She opened the purse and looked at the ID: Susan Smith Lieutenant O-3 U S Navy. Stacie found a piece of paper with Susan’s signature on it. Took out the lipstick, touch up makeup and eye shadow items she would use to make herself more like the unfortunate Susan who let her guard down after her success and Stacie struck her with ease. Thanks for the info hon but gotta take that shower as she took the gun with her into the shower.


As Stacie was taking a Shower Susan was struggling hard against her strict bondage. The woman knew her rope work very well and Susan was tied extremely tight. Then the woman came out from the bathroom, picked up the makeup, lipstick and sat down. As Susan watched the woman put up her hair just like Susan did. Once this was done, the woman done her makeup and lipstick with the just right amount MMMMPPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPPHHHH came from Susan as the woman finished.


Well I guess I’m looking a lot like you, now to get dressed in my newly acquired lingerie and uniform Stacie said gloating as she picked up the satin khaki panties stepped into them and pulled them up. Nice, feels good on my ass and crotch. MMMMPPPPPHHHH came from Susan as the woman picked up the satin khaki bra slipping it on and fastens the hooks in the back then adjusting the straps for a better fit. Nice fit same bust size as well Stacie said with a smile as she picked up the nude color pantyhose getting them ready to be slipped on.


MMMMPPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPPHHHH screamed Susan as she watched in despair as the woman slipped on her pantyhose right foot first then. Stacie slipped her left foot in and started to pull them up smoothing them out as she went. Stacie pulled them up into place and snapped the waist band, Silky smooth pantyhose, love ‘em Stacie said as she grabbed the satin khaki slip. MMMMPPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPPHHHH screamed Susan as she knew the woman was getting close to being completely dressed as her.


Stacie slipped on the satin slip and adjusted the straps for a better fit, Very silky smooth and feels great on me Stacie gloated as she picked up the khaki C/T blouse. MMMMPPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPPHHHH screamed Susan in discuss as she watched the woman button up the buttons on the blouse. Stacie loved the feel of C/T blouse on her and smiled.


MMMMPPPPPHHHH screamed Susan as she watched the woman pick up the khaki C/T strait above the knee length skirt. Stacie stepped into the skirt and started to pull it up tucking in the satin slip and the khaki C/T blouse. Stacie zipped up the zipper and fastens the outer fastener. She grabbed the khaki C/T belt looping it through the belt loops and then fastens the brass buckle. Stacie brushed the skirt down and sits down, the khaki C/T skirt road up Stacie’s legs as she sat down.


MMMMPPPPPHHHH screamed Susan as she watched the woman pick up the right 2 ½ inch black patent leather heel, slips it on and then picks up the left 2 ½ inch black patent leather heel and slips it on. In case you haven’t notice Susan that we look like each other. I can pass as you with no problem; we’re the same height, weight, bust, hips, waist and size. We have the same looks as well but you were too naive to see that but I wasn’t. So you’ll be kept here for a while so I can assume your identity and impersonate you.

 MMMMPPPPPHHHH screamed Susan shaking her head NO!!!! With that Stacie grabbed another length of rope then dragging Susan into a closet that locked from the outside. MMMMPPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPPPHHHH screamed Susan as she was dragged into the closet. Quiet now this is where you’ll be for a while so enjoy it Stacie said as she rolled Susan on her stomach and started the strict hogtie. She pulled Susan’s legs close as possible then looped the rope several times before tying it off.


Susan screamed in pain MMMMPPPPPHHHH as the hogtie was applied and tied off. She could feel the blood being cut off. Stacie got up walked out and you could hear the heels clicking on the wooden floor. She grabbed the white duct tape and a black leather bondage hood then came back into the closet. Time to put on the finishing touches hon. Stacie wrapped the white duct tape around Susan’s hands effectively encasing them. She then wrapped even more white duct tape around Susan’s feet keeping them together; Susan couldn’t move her feet and loosening the ankle ropes.


Now for the very last thing as Stacie unbuckled and unzipped the zipper and put the hood on Susan’s head. She zipped up the zipper and buckled the buckle. Stacie took out a small lock and locked it securing the leather hood on Susan’s head. There that should muffle any sound that you’ll make, Stacie said as she got up and went to the door. Thanks for the identity and the uniform, especially the sexy lingerie hon but I have to go. A muffled scream MMMMPPPPPHHHH came from Susan as Stacie gloated at her success. With that Stacie blew Susan a kiss and said CHOW and then closed the closet door.


Stacie locked the closet door’s locks then grabbed the package and put it in the purse along with the gun, put on the garrison cover and left. Stacie made sure her place was well secure and walked to Susan’s red sports car. Stacie unlocked it and got in, the skirt road up on her hosiery covered legs. Stacie looked at the address on the driver’s license then she started it up and drove off. Stacie wondered what was in the package or what she was getting herself into but first she had to be U S Navy Lieutenant Susan Smith she had completed the first part. 


Friday, October 25, 2019

Vegas here I come, Star gets replaced.

Vegas here I come, Star gets replaced.

Star was a Bank executive at 1st credit union and an Army reserve officer. She was due to pick up a large deposit this morning around 11 am.  It was 7 am and there was a knock on the door. It was a semi friend Samantha that came by for a quick visit. Star wouldn’t have time today, but Star wearing a purple satin robe answered the door anyway.

“Hi Samantha what are you doing here so early in the morning?”

“Oh High Star just dropping by for a quick cup of coffee”

“Well I’m just getting ready for work. I don’t have time for coffee this morning.”

“Really I just needed to talk to somebody about this situation that I’m in.”

Star knew that Samantha wouldn’t go away until she got whatever was bothering her, reluctantly Star agreed.

“Thanks Star it won’t take long.”

“Ok but I have to get ready for work, so I’ll listen while I get ready.”

Star walked up the steps to the bed room and Samantha followed with a slight grin on her face.

“Well what’s been going on now?” Star asks as she takes off her robe.

“It’s about getting a loan at the credit union.” Samantha replied.

“Really with your credit score” Star replied taking off her satin nightie.

 Star puts on a pair of purple satin panties and matching bra, silky smooth nude color thigh high.

“Yes and with your help I can.” Samantha replied

“You’ll just blow it anyway at the casinos.” Star was now slipping on her satin purple dress and zipped it up. She then slips on a pair of 3 inch black dress shoes.

“I’m sorry but I can’t help you.” Star said fixing her blonde hair and checking her makeup. Star put on her expensive jewelry.

“Well that’s such a shame, time for plan b.” Samantha said as she crept up behind Star.

“Whatever you have planned it will work out.” Star said as she reached for her clutched purse.

Star was going over everything in her mind, she had everything packed and ready to go for the weekend. Star didn’t even notice that Samantha had crept up behind her.

Samantha had taken out a small club out of her back pack and with a good solid blow to Star’s head knocking Star out cold.

“It sure will Star.” Samantha said looking down at Star lying at Samantha’s feet.

“Well time to get ready to be you, but first things first. I’m going need to barrow your clothes first sweetie. I don’t think you’re going to mind if I do.”

Samantha slips off Star’s heels and then unzips the purple dress. She slides the dress off Star’s body and lays it on the bed.   


Samantha slips off the silky smooth nude color thigh highs and then purple satin matching bra and satin panties licking her lips as the panties were sliding down Star’s silky smooth legs.

Now completely nude it was time to get Star tied up, gagged and kept out of the way.

Samantha rolls Star on her stomach grabs her wrists and ties them tight. Samantha pulls up both of Star’s ankles and ties them tight as well.

She quickly tied Star’s elbows tight and rolled Star on her back. Took out a pair of panties from her back pack waded up the panties and stuffed them into Star’s mouth. Samantha cut several pieces of duct tape and applied them to Star’s mouth, smoothing them out.

Samantha grabbed more rope and tied Star’s knees above and below tight. Samantha grabbed more rope and wrapped the rope around Star’s waist and through her crotch and tied it off in the front for a good crotch rope.

Star was still out cold and Samantha had two more little details. Samantha sat Star up and wrapped rope around Star’s breasts above and below securing the rope in the back.  

One more thing to do to Star and Samantha would have to start to get herself ready. Samantha rolled star on her stomach pulled Star’s ankles up as close as she could to Star’s tight butt. Grabbing the final piece of rope Samantha tied Star’s ankles to her hands tight putting Star into a strict hogtie.

As Samantha was getting up Star was starting to come around. Clearing her head and figuring out what happened. Unable to move and speak it became clear as what happened to her.

“MMMMMMPPPPPHHHHHH” Screaming through her gag trying to free herself and was furious at Samantha as she watched her so called friend Samantha was getting undressed and start to get ready to take her place.

“Thanks Star for the good idea, I mean you just talk way too much about your job and I just couldn’t resist.” Samantha said with a smile as she stepped into the satin panties and pulled them up.

“MMMMMMPPPPPHHHHHH” screamed Star as she watched in horror as Samantha slipped on the first silky thigh high.

“I told you that I had a plan b and it’s working out so far.” Samantha said laughing slipping on the 2nd silky smooth thigh high.

“MMMMMMPPPPPHHHHHH” angrily came from Star fighting her tight bondage and watching helplessly as Samantha now slipped on her matching satin bra.

“Hey what can I say, there was an opportunity to get a lot of cash and I took it and soon the money too.” Samantha said as she stepped into the satin charmeuse purple dress. 

“MMMMMMPPPPPHHHHHH” as her dress was zipped up and adjusted on the imposter Samantha.

“Well just my hair and makeup to do and a quick double check on everything you packed for me.” Samantha gleamed as she started to do her makeup.

“MMMMMMPPPPPHHHHHH” came from Star as she fought against her tight bondage.

“What is this, a blonde wig? Well I guess being a blonde won’t too bad.” Samantha said as she slips on the blonde wig doing it up just like Star would wear her hair.

“MMMMMMPPPPPHHHHHH” screamed Star as she knew that Samantha could pass for her, get the money and head for anywhere she wanted too.

“Well Star how do I look? I would like to stick around and chat but I have to check a few things first and then leave for the credit union.” Samantha said walked over to the bed and then checked to make sure everything was packed: U S Army uniform, semi evening dress, nighties, bras, panties, hosiery and dress shoes.

 “MMMMMMPPPPPHHHHHH” Star replied as she rolled around as best as she could to watch the imposter goes through her stuff.

“Well Star looks like everything is all packed and so I have to go, but don’t worry enjoy your bondage and I’ll just tell the reason why you couldn’t make it because you’re all tied up.” Samantha said in a sarcastic tone grabbed Star’s purse, keys and the luggage and left locking and closing the bedroom door.

“MMMMMMPPPPPHHHHHH” Star screamed as loud as she could as she watched the imposter walk out her bedroom and close the door. Star started to work on the tight rope work that currently held her in a strict hogtie. Star swore vengeance on her imposter and former friend, but first she had to get free and then plot her revenge.

Friday, May 25, 2018

U S Army Intelligence Officers Impersonated by Imposters!

U S Army Intelligence Officers Impersonated by Imposters!

U S Army Intelligence had a small group all women stationed in upper side of a rich part of the suburb of Los Angeles. There was an invitation only party at a big mansion and was owned by a very sadistic woman and an arms dealer. The U S Army had gotten a hold of an invitation and decided to have one of their female Majors to go and check things out. The Major arrived wearing a silver silk gown and drove up to the front. The brunette female hostess opened the car door and the Major got out. She walked up to the front door and was greeted by the sadistic arms dealer Maria wearing a blue knee length silk dress. “Hi and welcome to the party, please enjoy yourself.” Maria said with a wicked smile. “Well thank you, I sure will” the Major replied with a smile. The receptionist gave the Major a wrist band with a tracker inside, she was now being tracked. After the entire guest had arrived the party went on and the female arms dealers were talking to themselves.

Maria knew there was a spy in their mist and she figured it was the attractive blonde in the silver gown. Most of her guest was known but she was kind of new. So she walked over to her assistant Vivian and told her to keep an eye on the new blonde woman in the silver silk gown.


Maria’s staff were all brunette hair color all equally trained in martial arts, spy techniques, bondage, rope tying and expert marksmanship in hand guns and rifles. She even had a few dressed in gowns mingling around in the crowd to weed at the fakes and spies.

Vivian went over to two of the undercover staff and gave her the information on the attractive blonde and had them follow her around. The two met the Major and started to make small talk. “Well let’s take a look around this big beautiful mansion” the Major said. “Sure that sounds like fun and interesting” the brunette said with a smile on her face. All three walked down a long hallway and away from the main crowd. They went around the corner out of sight of anybody.

That’s when the secretary Mindi Vega wearing a green uniform suite came out the office and confronted all three women. “What are you doing here away from the party?” Mindi asks. “We’re just looking around” Samantha replied. “You’re not authorized to be here” Mindi said with an angry face. “Sorry about that we’ll just go back to the party” Samantha said. “I’m afraid you can’t since you’ll be detained, move it down to the office” Mindi said in an authoritarian voice. Samantha took a step back and then one of the undercover guards pulled a small gun from her hand bag putting the gun into Samantha’s back. “Do as you’re told lady and move it” the brunette said. “Ok I’m going” Samantha said. “First things first” the second brunette undercover guard said as she grabbed Samantha’s pocket purse off of Samantha and pulled out a pair of hand cuffs from her small pocket book. She ordered Samantha to put her hands behind her back. “Put your hands behind your back” once Samantha did, the brunette guard cuffed them and then pulled out a black satin scarf and put it over Samantha’s mouth then tied it off behind her head gagging Samantha. Once Samantha was secured, all four women then headed towards the office. Once they got to the office Samantha was sat down in a chair and her ankles tied with rope.

Mindi notified Maria via an ear piece in her ear that a possible spy was caught and she was needed in the office. “MMMPPPHHH” came from Samantha as she watched the second brunette guard look through her little purse, the first brunette guard kept the gun on her.    

“Don’t worry blonde we’ll find out who you are soon enough” Mindi said with a wicked smile. “MMMPPPHHH” replied Samantha through her gag. All three brunettes laughed at their prisoner. “Well, well look at this a military I D, Major Samantha Smith U S Army” the second brunette guard said handing the military I D to Mindi.

“Our boss is on her way to deal with you Miss Smith and won’t be good for you either” Mindi said with a hint of laughter in her voice.

Maria came into the office 10 minutes later. “Well what do we have here a spy” Maria said with a tone of discus in her voice. Mindi handed Maria the military I D and Maria looked at it and smiled wickedly at Samantha. “MMMPPPHHH” screamed Samantha through her gag at Maria smiling. “Stand her up, Mindi stand up as well” Maria said sizing both women up. “Same height, weight, size, bust, hips and very similar looks with exception of hair color no one would tell you two apart.” Maria said with Mindi smiled and Samantha got a worried look on her face.

“Take our little spy here up stairs, have her strip completely nude, tie her up and properly gag her and have Mindi take her place. Mindi you’ll have to strip nude, wash up, dye your hair bleach blonde and put on her panties, hosiery, shoes, gown and her jewelry. Guards make sure the Major is secured and won’t cause a problem for the rest of the party and our imposter who will now take her place not only here at the party but at the U S Army base as well” Maria said with very wicked smile on her face.

The second brunette guard untied Samantha’s ankles and Mindi and the two brunette guards left taking Samantha upstairs to start the process of turning Mindi into Samantha as Samantha would watch stripped completely nude and tied up. “Enjoy yourself Major I know my ladies will especially Mindi” Maria said blowing Samantha a kiss as she was escorted out by the two brunette guards.  Maria after locking up the office door returned to the party.                                


All four women went up stairs into Mindi’s bedroom with Mindi leading the way as Samantha realized that she would not be making back home tonight and report tomorrow of what information she gathered, instead the imposter would and give U S Army Intelligence false information in her place. The second brunette guard untied Samantha’s ankles and uncuffed her hands. “Now stand up and strip completely nude Major, right down to your birthday suite and keep the gag on” the first brunette guard said.  

Samantha started to remove her jewelry and Mindi called for Maria’s hair and makeup artist to come up to her bedroom. Samantha then unzipped her silver silky satin gown slid it off and handed it to the first brunette guard. She then removed her shoes, silky smooth thigh highs and finally her satin string bikini silver panties with a bronze pattern on them handing everything over to the first brunette guard.

The guard laid everything on Mindi’s bed. “Good girl, put your hands behind your back Major” Samantha put her hands behind her back knowing that she would be tied up and forced to watch the Imposter get dressed as her. The second brunette guard started to tie Samantha’s wrists extremely tight. Next more rope was applied to Samantha’s elbows, cutting off the blood flow to the lower arms. Samantha screamed in pain into her gag. “Quiet” said the second brunette as she took a length of rope wrapping it around Samantha’s waist and the tied wrists to Samantha’s body. Next was the ankles, the second brunette guard tied these extremely tight and then tied Samantha’s knees, two lengths of rope one above and one below the knees.

Mindi came out of her bathroom having bleach blonde hair completely nude holding the panties she was wearing in her right hand. Her hair and makeup made Mindi look exactly like Samantha in every way. “MMMPPPHHH” screamed Samantha through her gag. “Take a very good look Major at the new Samantha” said Mindi as she turned around. “I think we can remove the gag temporally” Mindi said removing the gag. “You won’t get away with this” Samantha snapped looking in despair at the duplicate who would soon be taking her place. With a laugh Mindi replied in kind “Yes we will and now open wide my dear I have a tasty gift for you” as Mindi wadded up her used panties and rubbed them one more time across her pussy. “Nnnnnoooooo” Samantha said through clinched teeth. Mindi held Samantha’s nose closed until she had to take a breath. Samantha tried to scream but Mindi jammed her panties into Samantha’s mouth. “There you go Major tasty aren’t they” Mindi said as she pulled out a yellow ball gag from her vagina and inserted it into Samantha’s mouth securing her panties inside.

“MMMPPPHHH” screamed Samantha as she tasted Mindi’s woman hood in her mouth. “Now you can watch me get dressed in your panties, thigh highs and gown Major but first a selfie as you” as she picked up her Iphone and took a pic.


Next Mindi grabbed Samantha’s silver satin string bikini panties and slid them on. “MMMPPPHHH” screamed Samantha as she watched in horror as Mindi started her final part of the transformation. “Panties feel good on my ass, thanks Major” Mindi said admiring them on her ass. “MMMPPPHHH” screamed Samantha through her panty gag as she watched Mindi slid up the right thigh high enjoying every moment of it. “MMMMM nice silky smooth and expensive, thanks Major” Mindi said as she smoothed out the thigh high on her right leg. Mindi grabbed the left thigh high and slid it on enjoying it even more. “That was really nice, felt really good doing it” Mindi gloated as she picked up the silver silky satin gown Samantha was wearing. Samantha screamed “MMMPPPHHH” as she watched Mindi stepped into her gown and slid it up. “Don’t worry Major, I’ll enjoy wearing it along with your uniforms” Mindi said as she fasten the hook in the back and zipped up the zipper.    

“MMMPPPHHH” screamed the Major as she saw the imposter walk up to the huge floor mirror and look herself over. “Well everything seems to be in order, take the Major down to the back stairwell and secure her to the railings lock the door and post two guards so she can’t escape. I’ll be going back to the party and take her place among the guest.” Mindi said as she watched the two guards grab Samantha and hauled her up and out of Mindi’s bedroom. Mindi blew Samantha a kiss as she watched the Major being escorted out. Mindi grabbed Samantha’s pocket purse and went down stairs to the party as Major Samantha Smith U S Army.

The two brunette guards took Samantha down to a secure stairway and tied her securely to metal railings.

The two brunette guards waited for their reliefs and then locked the doors and headed back to the party taking the keys with them. Once back at the party they caught up with Samantha (Mindi) and all three went up to Maria and acknowledge that the imposter had replaced the real Major and she would now get all of the Intel she needed.

Just then unknown to the Major or anyone else on the base U S Army 2nd Lieutenant Elizabeth Wells decided to sneak onto the grounds of Maria and headed towards the back door of Maria’s office. Unknown to Elizabeth, she was already spotted and 4 brunette guards were waiting for her when she entered Maria’s office. A fifth one dressed in a black catsuit wearing long black gloves would capture her and tie her up.

Elizabeth walked up to the door and found it unlocked. “That is really stupid, not to big on security this should be easy.” Elizabeth thought to herself and entered being quiet as she could. As Elizabeth opened the door she looked around to see if anyone was inside. Nobody seemed to be around so Elizabeth went in. If something went wrong nobody would know that she was captured by Maria. All 5 brunette guards watched and waited for the stupid Army officer to come up stairs. All 5 were licking their lips and getting impatient for Elizabeth. Elizabeth continued on her way to Maria’s office but would soon realize this was a big mistake.

The 5th brunette guard wearing a black cat suit with rope in hand snuck out the room she was hiding in and approached Elizabeth from behind. Elizabeth not knowing someone was behind her continued towards Maria’s office when from behind someone grabbed her and hand gagged her.

Elizabeth started to fight back but the brunette guard was able to get her on the floor and Elizabeth continued to fight back. Both women fought for position rolling on the floor but the brunette guard got the best of Elizabeth getting her on her stomach pulling off Elizabeth’s jacket. The brunette guard had position she then pulled Elizabeth’s arms behind her and tied her wrists. “There we go Lieutenant Wrists are tied and now for the rest of the bondage to make sure you don’t escape.” The brunette guard said as she grabbed more rope and tied Elizabeth’s ankles, knees, thighs and breasts securing her arms to the upper torso. “No let me go you bitch, Nnnnnoooooo.” Elizabeth screamed. “Scream all you want Lieutenant no one can hear you, since the party is on the other side of the mansion.”

 “Untie me bitch and let me go. You’re in deep trouble for doing this to me.” Elizabeth screamed as the brunette guard finished her rope work. “Oh I doubt that blonde bitch and don’t we have such a potty mouth on us. We’ll just have to secure it and keep you nice and quiet” the brunette guard taunted her defeated prey. Once the rope work was done the brunette guard gagged Elizabeth with a black silk scarf silencing her while she put Elizabeth into a front hogtie. “MMMPPPHHH” screamed Elizabeth as she tried to free herself. Rolling on the floor while the brunette guard went to get the other 4 guards Elizabeth got to the edge of the stairs. Knowing that the brunette guards would be back Elizabeth started down the stairs and attempting an escape attempt.

 Elizabeth knew she was way over her head and in deep trouble. She made it to the door she came inside but the 4 other brunette guards who were watching the female Army officer struggling to get down the stairs came out and caught Elizabeth by the door. “MMMPPPHHH” screamed Elizabeth as she saw 4 brunette guards coming down the stairs laughing and taunting her as she tried to escape. “Well look who hopped all the way down stairs to the door.” The first brunette guard said as she grabbed Elizabeth.

“MMMPPPHHH” screamed Elizabeth as she knew that she wasn’t going anywhere. “Awe are we a little upset that you got caught or that you’re that stupid trying to break into Maria’s office.” The second brunette guard said lifting Elizabeths’ head up seeing Elizabeths’ expression on her face and laughing. “MMMPPPHHH” the reply came from Elizabeth as she getting angry at being teased. “She has a really nice ass and great set of tits.” The third brunette guard said as she rubbed Elizabeth tight firm ass. “MMMPPPHHH” screamed Elizabeth as she was being groped by third brunette guard.

“As you can see blonde bitch we look alike in every shape and form, you have blonde hair, I have brunette hair, same eye color, height, weight, bust, waist and hips. It should be real easy to impersonate you. Your uniform and everything else you’re wearing underneath it should fit me really well and feel good on my body. Enjoy wearing your uniform and lingerie while you can because soon I’ll be wearing it and for your enjoyment as you watch me as I get dressed in your uniform and lingerie.” The fourth brunette guard said as she stood in front of her who would be taking Elizabeth’s place within the hour. While Elizabeth would be joining the Major in the torture cellar after the party was over.

All four brunette guards laughed at Elizabeth as she was being told as to what will be happening to her in the next hour. “MMMPPPHHH” screamed Elizabeth as she looked at the brunette guard who would be soon taking her place and impersonating her on the base. “Time to get you in my room getting you stripped and start my transformation but first notify Vivian and let her know that we caught another spy in uniform.” The fourth brunette said as she contacted Vivian via a small radio, which would then let Maria know via her ear piece.

The other 3 brunette guards made Elizabeth hop back up the stairs to the fourth brunette guards’ Rachael private quarters. This surely would tire Elizabeth out and weaken her preventing any fighting or resistance. Once the fourth brunette guard relayed the information to Vivian she joined the other 3 guards and Elizabeth heading towards her private quarters. Vivian contacted Maria’s hair and makeup artist to come up to brunette guard Rachael’s private quarters. Bring blonde hair dye and everything else Rachael might need to assume another blonde’s identity.

Once all five women got to Rachael’s private quarters, Rachael opened the door and the brunette guards got Elizabeth inside. “All right blonde once we untie you, you’ll keep the gag on and start striping completely nude understand.” One of the brunette guards pulled out a gun and kept it trained on Elizabeth as she was being untied another brunette guard. Once untied but still gagged Elizabeth started to strip nude. There was a knock on the door and another brunette guard left Maria’s hair and makeup artist inside as Rachael started to strip out of her dress. Elizabeth removed her skirt after unzipping it and laid it on Rachael’s bed. Rachael removed her dress tossed it on the bed and removed her black patent leather dress shoes with a 3 inch heel on them. She then wrapped a towel around her hair and took off her black satin panties tossing them on the bed as well. Rachael stood in front of a mirror and took a selfie before watching Elizabeth continue to strip nude and being tied up.

Elizabeth while looking at Rachael removed her neck tab and then unbuttons her green blouse removing it and laying on the bed. Elizabeth was wearing a light green satin bra and was ordered to remove it along with her thigh highs, light green garter belt and panties.


Elizabeth unfastens her bra laid it on the bed next came the tan thigh highs as Elizabeth unfastens each one from the satin light green garter belt. She slid each one down her silky smooth legs laying each one on the bed. Elizabeth unfastens the satin light green garter belt and laid it on the bed. Finally she removes the satin string bikini light green panties steps out of them and laid the panties on the bed.

“Good little girl all stripped completely nude and now time for you to be tied up blonde bitch turn around hands behind your back palm to palm.” Rachael said as one of the brunette guards grabbed some rope and then started to tie Elizabeth’s wrists. “MMMPPPHHH” came from Elizabeth as she screamed in pain from the rope being tied around her wrists extremely tight cutting into her skin and cutting off blood flow to her hands. Rachael stood in front of Elizabeth smiling and savoring every moment as she watch the blonde bitch being tied up.

 “MMMPPPHHH” came from Elizabeth as more rope was applied around her elbows and then above and below her breasts. “MMMPPPHHH” Elizabeth screamed as the rope was being tied tight around her elbows cutting off more blood flow. The brunette guard was enjoying this and especially wrapping the rope around Elizabeth’s ample breasts as her nipples were getting hard. “Make sure the ropes are nice and tight, don’t want this one to get away” Rachael said as she was taking this all in as she was getting excited watching another woman being dominated. “MMMPPPHHH” replied Elizabeth as the rope was tied off. Next was the ankles and the knees. The brunette guard wrapped the rope tight above Elizabeth’s knees and then below the knees. Finally Elizabeth’s ankles were ties tight, Rachael walked up to Elizabeth.

“I think we can remove the gag now.” Rachael said untying it and removing it. “You won’t get away with this, untie me now!” All the women laughed at Elizabeth, “Oh yes we will to a T.” Rachael said with laughter in her voice. “Nnnnnoooooo” screamed Elizabeth. “Time to regag you and keep you quiet” Rachael said as she picked up a red ball gag and then rubbed it across her vagina. Elizabeth rough clinched teeth tried to hold out as long as she could but Rachael pinched Elizabeth’s nose and eventually Elizabeth had to take a breath. “Nnnnnoooooo” as the red ball gag was inserted into her mouth as she tasted Rachael’s vaginal juices.

“MMMPPPHHH” came from Elizabeth as the red ball gag was secured behind her head by Rachael. “There now all nice and quiet and pretty tasty as well, time to put you on the bed so I can start my make over ladies put her on the bed and keep an eye on her.” Rachael said as she headed into the bathroom. “MMMPPPHHH” came from Elizabeth as she watches Rachael walk away and go into the bathroom before her transformation into her. The three brunette guards now laughed at Elizabeth as she lay there struggling to get free.     

After about an hour Rachael was ready and took a selfie after which she came out strutting her stuff towards a bound and gagged Elizabeth still struggling in her tight bondage. “Well Elizabeth how do I look?” Rachael asks with laughter in her voice. 

 “MMMPPPHHH” screamed Elizabeth as she saw herself right before her very eyes and knew now that she wouldn’t be going anywhere any time soon. “Ah approval from the soon to be Ex-Elizabeth Wells” Rachael said as she started to apply her makeup with laughter in her voice. 

“MMMPPPHHH” came from Elizabeth as she watched in horror as the imposter Rachael got ready. “Now now don’t be such a sore loser. I’m going to enjoy this fully as you watch me get dressed into your lingerie and uniform.” Rachael said as she picked up Elizabeth’s satin string bikini light green panties and stepped into them.

“MMMPPPHHH” screamed Elizabeth as she watched her satin panties go up Rachael’s silky smooth legs and cover her well clean smooth shaven pubic region. “I guess once my scent gets into the cotton crotch they’ll be marked as being mine.” Rachael gloated as she gave the crotch area a slight rub.

 “MMMPPPHHH” screamed Elizabeth as she watched Rachael continue to get dressed and slip on the light green satin bra. Rachael fastens the hooks in the back and slips the straps over her shoulders and then adjusted them for a better fit. “Just like the satin panties a perfect fit.” Rachael laughed as she looked at herself in the large floor mirror.

“MMMPPPHHH” screamed Elizabeth in horror as Rachael picked up the satin light green garter belt and slips it on and then fastens the hooks, next Rachael picks up the right tan silky smooth thigh high and slips it on. “Hhhhhmmmm, nice and silky smooth love it.” Rachael said as she fastens the right thigh high to the satin light green garter belt. She picks up the left one and slips it on, pulling it up and fastens it to the satin light green garter belt. She adjusts both thigh highs for a better fit.  “MMMPPPHHH” screamed Elizabeth as she realized that Rachael was looking more and more like her as she continued to get dressed.

“Love doing this, it’s the best perk of the job to impersonate another woman especially a woman in military uniform.” Rachael said as she picks up the light green blouse and slips it on. “MMMPPPHHH” Elizabeth screamed as she could only look on as Rachael button up the buttons on the light green blouse. Once Rachael button up the blouse she picked up green skirt and stepped into it, sliding it up her silky smooth tan covered legs. “Almost done my dear and then I’ll start having a lot of fun impersonating you.” Rachael said as she tucked in the light green blouse and then zipped up the zipper. She fastens the outer clasp and straitens out the uniform.

“MMMPPPHHH” screamed Elizabeth as she watched the imposter finishing getting dressed in her uniform, she once so proudly wore. “Thanks for the boost in confidence.”  Rachael said as she stepped into the black patent leather dress shoes with a 3 inch heel on them.

“MMMPPPHHH” screamed Elizabeth as she watched in horror as the imposter put on the dress cover to complete the impersonation of Elizabeth.

 “Well Elizabeth what do you think of the new and improve Elizabeth Wells?” “MMMPPPHHH” screamed Elizabeth replying to the imposter’s remarks. “Well got to go and get back to base, don’t worry these lovely ladies will take care of you very well as I enjoy your life and everything else you have, Tah, Tah Elizabeth and thanks for your uniform.” Rachael (Elizabeth) said as she blew the real Elizabeth a final kiss good bye and walked out of her bedroom. “MMMPPPHHH” screamed Elizabeth as she watched the imposter walk out and impersonate her at the base. The brunette guards started to play with Elizabeth and regagged her and set Elizabeth on the floor. 

Rachael met Vivian, Maria’s assistant and she was handed a flash drive to upload a program so that Maria could get the information she needed for her operation. With two of the U S Army Intelligence officers being replaced with imposters Maria could now move on to her next big arms deal.


Elizabeth (Rachael) reach the base and went to her office, with nobody around uploaded the program onto the base computer system and especially the Major’s computer. With the program in place Elizabeth (Rachael) went home and met the Major Samantha Smith (Mindi Vega) later who was also an imposter and talked about the plan to deal with the other women at the base. The real Major Samantha Smith and U S Army 2nd Lieutenant Elizabeth Wells were interrogated for information and trained as sex slaves for Maria and her super sexy brunette guards.

The End